November 27, 2019
Feeling sluggish and lacking in energy? Sitting at your desk with heavy eyelids and blurred vision?
If the mid-morning craving cycle or 3pm slump has got you beat and you need to fight your fatigue fast try stirring a spoonful of Golden Gut into your tea, warm milk of your choice, or chai lattes.
Many of us are tired and fatigued but we combat the lack of energy with caffeine, convenience, fast-food - which usually comes with a crash.
Golden Gut blend is absorbed and released naturally when your body needs it. Long-lasting, slow-release energy. No need to get a punishing sugar hit.
This gut-loving, naturally energising and anti-inflammatory blend of turmeric, spices and Love Your Gut diatomaceous earth is a treat for your tastebuds and your tummy. Guaranteed to help boost your energy naturally and rev you back up to speed.
Download our FREE recipe e-books for more gut-loving and naturally energising recipes, tips and more:
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January 29, 2025
If you’ve ever had butterflies in your stomach before a big event or felt your gut twist during a stressful moment, you’ve experienced the gut-brain connection in action.