Gut Girth Begone Bundle | Save 16%

Tired of stubborn weight and constant bloating? Lee's 'Gut Girth Begone' Bundle is a  your comprehensive nutritional solution to digestive health and weight management.

Usual price: $142.80
Bundle price: $119.95
🙋‍♀️ Save: 16% Yay!

1. Love Your Gut Diatomaceous Earth food grade

Say goodbye to accumulated waste! Our premium diatomaceous earth powder acts like a internal cleansing agent, sweeping away toxins and supporting your body's natural detoxification process. 

2. Gut Loving Vegan Protein & Fibre 

Feel fuller, longer! This powerful blend helps:

  • Curb hunger pangs
  • Promote sustainable weight loss

3. Gut Loving Greens 

Supercharge your nutrition with our enzyme-rich green blend. Packed with:

  • Digestive enzymes
  • Essential nutrients
  • Improved gut microbiome balance

4. Love Your Gut Superfine Seaweed 

Nature's weight loss secret!

  • Boosts metabolism
  • Supports thyroid function
  • Reduces water retention

"After years of research and working with thousands of clients, I've discovered the key to transforming your weight isn't about quick fixes – it's about holistic, nourishing solutions. The Gut Girth Begone Bundle represents years of nutritional expertise." - Lee Holmes

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