Take Care of Your Space

December 13, 2021 1 Comment

A woman enjoying a drink while sitting on a cozy couch.

This Christmas and holiday season we’re honing in on the idea of taking care of you and yours. There’s a lot to think about and consider and nothing more important to think about and consider. ‘Taking care’ is such a lovely, gentle concept. What does it mean to you? To us taking care means being aware of yourself and others, you and yours’ needs, what makes you and yours’ happy and being mindful of the energy you create.

(To make Taking Care of You and Yours easier, we’ve produced this free ebook).

A good place to start is your immediate surroundings - your personal space. The space where you gather with your friends and family. Let’s make that a space of relaxed vibes, simplicity and, of course, delicious food.

A woman peacefully meditates in her living room

The Negative Ion Candle helps tame your environment. “Your candles bring all the good vibes to our home. I light them on the daily and I swear they stop kids fighting!” Laura, Sama Studio

Create negative space

The idea of negative space is hugely important in photography, film and design. Creative people use space and the scope of nature to draw us in and ease our minds from the noise and clutter of our surroundings (and the clutter of our headspaces too).

It is also easily applied to our everyday experience of the world. It’s about allowing some breathing room, expanse and de-cluttered environments. Not feeling the need to jam in things, ideas and materials to fill a space.

A woman standing in front of a table with food, ready to enjoy a delicious meal.

The outdoors offers wonderful negative space. Big skies. Open fields. Airy spaces.

With the proliferation of technology in the home, it can sometimes feel like we're bombarded with ‘artificial’ energy. The blue light from all the screens, microwaves, air conditioning, clothes driers and concrete can all drain us and separate us from nature.

That’s why we like to bring as much natural energy into our spaces. To counteract the man-made forces with Mother Nature’s force. One such force are negative ions. These ions are the ones from nature (positive ions, generally speaking, are generated by man-made devices and pollution).

Bring some negative energy into your space and chill the atmosphere. Here’s a shortlist of ideas you can incorporate easily.

Open your windows

Open your windows.

  • Open windows 
  • Walk in nature, barefoot if possible
  • Lose the microwave oven
  • Turn screens off when not using, close your laptop
  • Consider our ‘Negative ion’ Xmas bundle
  • Eat fresh and natural
  • Bring the outdoors inside with flowers and plants
  • Candles and natural light
  • Eat al fresco
Negative ion candles

The Negative Ion Bundle - more negative ions, less $$$

Take care of your tummy

No other organ rewards good behaviour quite like the gut! Treat it right and it’ll return the favour. The same goes for the tummies of the people you serve with care and nature.

Our Love Your Gut powder and capsules, and Fulvic Humic drops are another source of negative ions. Both products, because they are minerals straight from the earth, are naturally high in negative ions. Your gut loves negative ions as they attract and help rid your body of positively charged foods and pollutants we ingest. 

Take Care of You and Yours ebook

Our free ebook - Take Care of You and Yours this Christmas - is chock full of ideas to look after you and yours’ guts. 

There’s five whole pages dedicated to explaining just how important and beneficial gut health is over the holiday period. Spoiler alert: your gut health is key to generating the energy to make the most of the season.

Take care of your space these holidays and witness the good vibes you create with your loved ones. It’s kinda magic!

Happy holidays! 🎉

1 Response

Katie Livingstone
Katie Livingstone

January 18, 2022

Hi there Lee,

Can you recommend a good way to balance gut health with iron supplements.


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